Friday 21 December 2018

Easy yoga poses that help you lose weight

Yoga is undoubtedly one of the healthiest exercises that helps your body in a number of ways. Yoga has an overall effect on the health and fitness of your body. This is the reason why yoga is getting popular each passing day. Losing weight has become a rocket science these days. Fortunately, yoga comes to your escape and helps you with the process of losing weight easily as well as efficiently.

Try the following yoga poses on your 7mm yoga mats, you will be able to lose weight in no time: 
  1. Wide-legged forward bend: Your hands shall be touching the floor in this particular pose. You can also make a shoulder stretch. You are required to spread your feet 3-4 feet apart. Now, bend yourself forward at the hips and put your back as straight as possible upon bending. This bending will give you a very strong stretch on to your hamstrings. Practice this pose on your 7mm yoga mats in front of the mirror in order to get an appropriate form.

2- Lunge: This one is considered to be an effective pose to reduce the fat from your hips. This pose also helps to increase flexibility. This pose requires you to sit using a single leg while bending the other one at the same time. You must also remember to keep your upper body straight while trying this pose. Your hands can be anywhere you want them to be while practicing this particular asana. This pose stretches the muscles of your thighs as well.

3- Half boat pose: This pose works directly on to the tummy area and hence it is considered to be one of the best poses that help you lose unwanted fat from your body. You are simply required to put your palms down on to the ground for a balance. Now raise your legs first. Once you are stable enough, raise your arms such that they are parallel with the ground.
4- Shoulder-stand: This happens to be an inversion pose as your body is upside down while practicing this pose. You can start with your back on to the ground. Your knees should be slightly bent and your feet must be in the air. Now, you are required to press your hands flat on to the ground to further use them Easy yoga poses that help you lose weight to roll your body backward on to your upper back. Bring your hands on to the lower back, right above the hips in order to keep yourself balanced.

Practice the above-listed yoga poses on your 7mm yoga mats and you would be able to lose weight very efficiently.

Tuesday 18 December 2018

Choosing the best flooring for the home gym - Fitnessmatsindia

What kind of flooring is the best type of flooring for your home gym? This is a question that crops up in the minds of a number of people who look forward to getting a home gym into their homes. We have made the task of choosing the flooring for your gym an easy affair. Following are the best kinds of flooring for your home gym.

Rubber Mats:

These were initially designed for the purpose of animal husbandry industry in order to aid protect the livestock from all kinds of slips, falls as well as colder grounds. The rubber mats are very durable in nature and hence they serve as a good option for the flooring of your gym. These mats comprise of a dense quality rubber which can withstand all kinds of weights, thereby giving you a perfect flooring choice for your home gym.

Interlocking mats:

Next is the interlocking mats which have been gaining immense popularity ever since their very inception. These mats are made using a crumb rubber material along with a color fleck. They are interlocked in nature and hence the entire chain of the tiles make a very strong arrangement which can sustain heaviest of weights very easily. Moreover, interlocking mats are very easy to remove as well.

Rolled Rubber Flooring:

This kind of flooring has a tendency to cover larger areas very quickly. They come in larger sizes and longer lengths and hence are very easy in terms of installation. They are thick and durable and are considered to be a good option for bigger and spacious rooms.

Rubber mats, interlocking mats or rolled rubber flooring – pick the choicest option for your home gym and start working out like a beast.

Tuesday 11 December 2018

Buying new designs of yoga mats with antiskid features

If you are a yoga enthusiast, you must be knowing the value of having a good quality yoga mat, however if you have started practicing yoga recently or you are yet to join the class, you must understand the various features of Yoga Mats in Noida. Yoga mats come in different styles, so here we have the essential details that will help you in finding the best one from the range of new designs of yoga mats with anti skid features.  

While practicing yoga, you have to perform various poses and when you do so your body needs support from the mat. If you buy anti skid yoga mat, your body will have a good grip and you will be comfortable while enjoying your yoga postures in a better way. You can buy such Yoga Mats in Noida. There are many stores in Noida which deal with the anti skid yoga mats, so start your search and go ahead.  
We all know that yoga is performed on floor with minimum thickness of the yoga mat beneath your body. So, the market is full of new designs of yoga mats that can attract your attention. However, you must buy the one that has appropriate thickness. It’s thickness should be between 40 MM to 70 MM.

The material used in making the anti skid yoga mat should be eco friendly and it should be washable. Check out the stores selling Yoga Mats in Noida and follow these tips to get the best one.  

Friday 23 November 2018

Things to keep in mind while you purchase the perfect yoga mat for yourself -

If you are planning to buy a yoga mat for yourself, this is going to help you. No matter if you are just or beginner or an expert, if your yoga mat is not comfortable it will not support your postures and you will find it tough to enjoy the experience. There are many benefits of having great Yoga Mats which support your body, prevent any injuries, infections and give a great experience. Yoga Mats help in reducing the friction caused by the floor if yoga is done on floor. There are many Yoga Mats that come in many different styles and budget. 

Yoga Mats 

If you are thinking of replacing your existing yoga mat or planning to buy your first one, here are the few important things you must keep in your mind. So, here are the four important things that you must consider in the Yoga Mats you are buying. Scroll down and check out: 

· Yoga mats should be safe for your use while you perform various postures or aasanas. 

· It must be made up of durable material and it must have a good life. 

· When you are buying  yoga mats comfort comes first. So, make sure the yoga mat you are buying is comfortable and non slippery.  

·  It should be made up of environmental friendly material.

<img src="" alt="Yoga Mat">
 <img src="" alt="Yoga Mat">

Ensure the fact that you are investing in good quality Yoga Mats only. Compare the review, price and reputation of manufacturers in the in industry before making the final buy.

Friday 16 November 2018

Improve the Quality and Comfort of Yoga Practice —

Yoga is a healthy way of living life in this hectic and busy lifestyle. Today life is more lethargic and leading to several diseases and physical problems. Yoga has a healing power for all such modern problems. It provides a healthy and happy lifestyle and support to the modern lifestyle. So if you do yoga, you need to have a yoga mat. There is a strong relationship between yoga and Yoga Mats. They are the symbol of contemporary yoga practice. For regular yoga, you need to have a mat that is made of best fabric, colour and other aspects.

Yoga Mats

There are various manufacturers and supply Yoga Mats in India. The intention is to supply mats that meet the diverse choices of customers. They are made of premium quality raw materials that make the yoga more relaxing and effective. Use of high-quality mats make the yoga more comfortable for long hours and are suited for various regular exercises. They are best suited for meditation and yoga and are even designed for the pregnant yoga practitioner that also them to easily continue with their yoga session during pregnancy. The best part of these mats is they make yoga practice more comfortable and enjoyable.

Adding to the increasing demand for Yoga Mats is they are easy to clean, easy to carry, odour free, water resistant, soft and firm enough to protect the body and superior shock absorption. They are available in different thickness and size that suits each individual needs. So if you consider your fitness every day, you need to try high-quality mats that are available at reasonable rates in the market. In the market, you can get economy mats that abide by the pre-requisites of the industrial standards and norms. These mats also provide enough friction that helps to balance different asana.

Friday 28 September 2018

Sports that require rubber sports mat - fItnessmatsindia

Sports lead you to a healthy lifestyle. Of course, your body requires to engage itself in various physical activities and sports is one of them. However, not all the sports are played on the ground, some require the use of sports mats to play. A number of athletic facilities make the use of rubber floor mats for rubber is considered to be a durable material which offers a good level of shock absorption. The sports mats of rubber can decrease the severity of any accident caused and thus protect the athletes from getting injured.

Following are the sports which make the use of flooring:

1. Weight training:
Rubber flooring is considered to be an acute solution of weight training facilities. The rubber flooring for this purpose should be based on different areas. Heavier ones should be occupied by a denser ones in comparison with lighter activity areas. The rubber flooring for this particular purpose should withstand heavy weights without bending or breaking.

     2. Aerobics:
Aerobics, too, require the use of rubber mat flooring. The movements involved in this exercise require all the individuals to move fast and to explode from one movement to the other. The exercises involving aerobics require the individuals to perform all the jarring movements. All these movements include lunging, running and jumping. The mats for this particular purpose must be porous, thereby allowing shock absorption as well as added layer of cushion.

3    3.Running:
An indoor track of running also requires the use of rubber flooring all over the place. The use of rubber flooring for this purpose should be strong. The material should be dense and resilient enough so that it does not create puncture on the mats even with the use of running spikes.

Monday 2 July 2018

Aerobic mats

Different Kinds Of Mats For Sports Activities
There are many different kinds of mats available today in the market, which aid in exercises and sports activities. There can be good amounts of difference between them, on the basis of the particular activity they have been created for. Hence aerobic mats may differ widely from, say Yoga mats. If you want to know more about the mats available today, read on.
General Purpose mats
These mats can be found in almost all sports shop. As they are quite versatile in their built, they are used for many different activities, and hence are sold more as well. You can do Yoga, Pilates and certain exercises including sit-ups and push-ups on them as well. If you want to do any kind of exercise at your home, these mats can fulfill the requirements. They protect your floor and also protect the body from injuries.
Yoga Mat
Yoga mats are a bit thinner and are made for practicing yoga only. They have anti-skid structure, and do not offer heavy cushioning.
Pilates mats
While the pilates mat are non–slippery, they do offer more cushioning than other kinds of mats. Pilate exercises are done on the floor itself, and hence the body needs enough cushioning to protect itself from impacts and injuries. The mats provide all that and more.
Aerobic mats or Heavy Duty mats
These are the mats that can be used for aerobic exercises. They are frequently found in the gymnasiums and in the fitness clubs. They may also be called as the gymnastic mats. These mats are highly durable and provide for good cushioning. They are strong and may weight more than other kinds of mats.

Interlocking mats
The interlocking mats are mats that can be used to cover any surface or area. They have an interlocking structure and the individual pieces can be locked together, so as to form a continuous and smooth surface for exercising. The large fitness centers and gymnasiums may have their floors covered with these kinds of mats.
The aerobic mats are today available in many different varieties. You can do many different aerobic exercises on them. They offer ample of cushioning and help you achieve your fitness goals.

Thursday 19 April 2018

Yoga Mats

Yoga is an age old Indian way of attaining balance within ourselves. From Ages, people in India are interacting yoga in different ways and it’s even described in many Indian scriptures as the best way of achieving physical, psychological and spiritual balance within ourselves. Today, yoga is loved and practiced by millions of people across the globe and it’s becoming an integral part of fitness industry worldwide.

Despite the fact that yoga can be practiced without Yoga Mats, it’s not advised to do so.

· Why do we need good Yoga Mats?

Yoga Mats gives us a comfortable base while we do different types of yogasana like shavaasana where the person lie down like a dead body for at least 5-10 minutes in a relaxed state and focus on the intake and output of breath. Studies say that doing this without using Yoga Mats consistently for a long period of time can lead to physical problems related to bones.

The sitting postures in yoga like Sukhasana, Padmasana, Baddha Konasana, Vajrasana, Bharadvajasana, Ardha matsyendrasana, Paschimottasana require a person to sit on the floor for a long period of time and doing this on concrete or wooden floor is very uncomfortable for our buttocks. Good quality Yoga Mats help us solve this problem of discomfort.

· Things you should keep in mind while choosing Yoga Mats.

Yoga Mats are specially designed for yoga and they are available in different thickness and different verities. A person with good height should always go for a long mat because a shorter mat will not allow the person proper comfort.

A person with heavy body weight should go for a thick Yoga Mat because doing yoga on a thin mat will be uncomfortable.

Unlike multipurpose mats, Yoga Mats are purposely designed to do yoga. It’s always better to Choose comfort over style.

Fitnessmatsindia - Yoga Mats, Fitness Mats Manufacturer & Supplier in India

C-44/5, Ground Floor Lawrence Road, Industrial Area, Rampura Industrial Area, Tri Nagar, Delhi, 110035

Monday 16 April 2018


Best Design of Yoga Mats

Yoga, originated in ancient India, is a type of exercise that makes one physically, mentally and spiritually fit. Its practices include several Asanas or poses that require better concentration and grip on the floor. If one fails to manage the requirements, their practices will go waste and he/she can have injuries while performing a yoga pose.

Yoga Mats

If you are a yoga practitioner and perform your practices daily, you need to give priority to your safety first. And this can be done with the support of good quality Yoga Mats. As the markets around the world are flooded numerous products so you need to have very careful in your selection. The best thing is for you to choose a reliable and reputed mat manufacturer or supplier. When you do this, you should focus on other aspects related to the pads meant for yoga.

Choose the best material

If you are looking for the best design of Yoga Mats, you must focus on the materials used. Normally, these pads are designed and manufactured using materials like Eva Foam, rubber, PVC and cotton. In order to have the best mat for your yoga practices, you should select the one that is made using optimum quality natural rubber, cotton and Eva Foam.

Check the surface

You know that there are chances of getting slipped down while performing different yoga poses. If you purchase the one with slip surface, you will increase the chances of falling down during your yoga practice. So, you should always buy the one with non-slip surface. Such a yoga mat will help you to have the best grip and protect you from falling down.

Focus on thickness

In order to make your purchase of Yoga Mats successful and beneficial, you need to pay attention on thickness. The pads are available in varied options in terms of thickness. Keep in mind that a thicker pad will offer you great protection from the jerks and jolts during the practice.

Keep your taste in mind

It is sure that you will be familiar with the fact that the pads for yoga practices are available in different shapes, sizes, colours and designs. This availability can make you confuse. So, you should always give priority to your needs and taste about colours, sizes, designs and shapes.

In addition, you should fix a flexible budget for your purchase of Yoga Mats that are best in designs. Your wise decision can make your practice successful.

Summary — Intended to train you, this write up has disclosed the ways to avail the Yoga Mats that are best in design, colour, thickness and durability.  For more details you can visit our website:

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Unique Mat for Unique Sport

The sports and fitness mats have made our life so easy and have also added a lot of comforts. So the sports practice has become more enjoyable and the fitness exercises have become more interesting and safe. In all sports, you need to have the great combination of the strong mat with softness. This amazing combination not only protects you for a longer life but also it helps you with better safety.  Among all sports mixed martial art is also the latest addition to martial art, where you need to be very alert and very presentable.

 The terms of approach are totally different and your practice for this sport need a different type of set up and you need a different type of mat also to practice properly and more effective to get visible results in your performance. The Mixed Martial Art Mats are here for you to give a great assistance in your regular practice to improve your skills day by day. You need to choose a superior quality mixed martial art mat with great services at each level. The main attribute of these amazingly good mats is they are excellent in shock absorbent so the problems of getting jerks and strain are over now during your practice or competition. The non-slippery outer surface of these mats gives awesome protection and prevents fall from a slip.
The mat is available in various colors, thickness, sizes and trim piece options to meet your space requirements and also to fulfill all your safety aspects. The Mixed Martial Art Mats will give an unbelievable change in your style, skills and all over performance.  The improved skills would raise your confidence level to win all type of challenges during your practices or competitions. You may order them online also but read all the specification carefully before buying one to enjoy best ever experience of practicing your mixed martial artist on the special mat.