Thursday 19 April 2018

Yoga Mats

Yoga is an age old Indian way of attaining balance within ourselves. From Ages, people in India are interacting yoga in different ways and it’s even described in many Indian scriptures as the best way of achieving physical, psychological and spiritual balance within ourselves. Today, yoga is loved and practiced by millions of people across the globe and it’s becoming an integral part of fitness industry worldwide.

Despite the fact that yoga can be practiced without Yoga Mats, it’s not advised to do so.

· Why do we need good Yoga Mats?

Yoga Mats gives us a comfortable base while we do different types of yogasana like shavaasana where the person lie down like a dead body for at least 5-10 minutes in a relaxed state and focus on the intake and output of breath. Studies say that doing this without using Yoga Mats consistently for a long period of time can lead to physical problems related to bones.

The sitting postures in yoga like Sukhasana, Padmasana, Baddha Konasana, Vajrasana, Bharadvajasana, Ardha matsyendrasana, Paschimottasana require a person to sit on the floor for a long period of time and doing this on concrete or wooden floor is very uncomfortable for our buttocks. Good quality Yoga Mats help us solve this problem of discomfort.

· Things you should keep in mind while choosing Yoga Mats.

Yoga Mats are specially designed for yoga and they are available in different thickness and different verities. A person with good height should always go for a long mat because a shorter mat will not allow the person proper comfort.

A person with heavy body weight should go for a thick Yoga Mat because doing yoga on a thin mat will be uncomfortable.

Unlike multipurpose mats, Yoga Mats are purposely designed to do yoga. It’s always better to Choose comfort over style.

Fitnessmatsindia - Yoga Mats, Fitness Mats Manufacturer & Supplier in India

C-44/5, Ground Floor Lawrence Road, Industrial Area, Rampura Industrial Area, Tri Nagar, Delhi, 110035

Monday 16 April 2018


Best Design of Yoga Mats

Yoga, originated in ancient India, is a type of exercise that makes one physically, mentally and spiritually fit. Its practices include several Asanas or poses that require better concentration and grip on the floor. If one fails to manage the requirements, their practices will go waste and he/she can have injuries while performing a yoga pose.

Yoga Mats

If you are a yoga practitioner and perform your practices daily, you need to give priority to your safety first. And this can be done with the support of good quality Yoga Mats. As the markets around the world are flooded numerous products so you need to have very careful in your selection. The best thing is for you to choose a reliable and reputed mat manufacturer or supplier. When you do this, you should focus on other aspects related to the pads meant for yoga.

Choose the best material

If you are looking for the best design of Yoga Mats, you must focus on the materials used. Normally, these pads are designed and manufactured using materials like Eva Foam, rubber, PVC and cotton. In order to have the best mat for your yoga practices, you should select the one that is made using optimum quality natural rubber, cotton and Eva Foam.

Check the surface

You know that there are chances of getting slipped down while performing different yoga poses. If you purchase the one with slip surface, you will increase the chances of falling down during your yoga practice. So, you should always buy the one with non-slip surface. Such a yoga mat will help you to have the best grip and protect you from falling down.

Focus on thickness

In order to make your purchase of Yoga Mats successful and beneficial, you need to pay attention on thickness. The pads are available in varied options in terms of thickness. Keep in mind that a thicker pad will offer you great protection from the jerks and jolts during the practice.

Keep your taste in mind

It is sure that you will be familiar with the fact that the pads for yoga practices are available in different shapes, sizes, colours and designs. This availability can make you confuse. So, you should always give priority to your needs and taste about colours, sizes, designs and shapes.

In addition, you should fix a flexible budget for your purchase of Yoga Mats that are best in designs. Your wise decision can make your practice successful.

Summary — Intended to train you, this write up has disclosed the ways to avail the Yoga Mats that are best in design, colour, thickness and durability.  For more details you can visit our website: